Festival of tomatoes, peppers and traditional foods (September, 7)
Type: Festival
Location: Village Pavel »
From 2012 in the village of Pavel (Polski Trumbesh municipality) is conducted a Festival of tomatoes, peppers and the traditional Bulgartian foods, called "Pavel Fest". Some call it the feast of the pepper, but it seems the organizers have decided to extend its scope :). The initiators and organizers of the festival are former teachers and public figure, who want to revive the agrarian glory of village of Pavel. The main sponsors are holders of agricultural lands near the village.
In recent years, the main attraction is the competition "Tsaritsa lyutenitsatat" ("Queen of chutney"). The program of the festival includes also culinary exhibition, folk songs and dances, race for the best looking garden stands with local produce and more.
There are demonstrations of equipment, technologies and old objects used by the local people in the past.
There will be participants from the villages around - Maslarevo, Strahilovo, Peychinovo, Polzsko Kosovo, Kozlovets, municipality Tsenovo and others.