Festival of folk costume (August)
"The festival of folk costume" is an event held annual in village of Jeravna. The first edition was in 2008 and over the years the event has enjoyed of growing interest. The main requirement for the participants is to have Bulgarian national costume in order to fit completely in the atmosphere of the celebration. The garments can be authentic or scenic, natural, created or rented during the festival period (there is possibility the costumes to be specifically tailored for the participants here).
During the festival the participants have fun, sing, play, dance, drink and eat in a way, as it had been in times of their great-grandparents many years ago. For the authentic atmosphere helped the fact there are only mostly used tools and accessories as they existed in the late XIX and early XX-th century - wooden spoons and ceramic bowls and rugs, mats and Goat`s hair rugs for seating. During the festival are not allowed cell phones, cameras, camcorders, modern men`s and ladies handbags, sunglasses, etc.
For the guests pleasure are invited professional and amateur folk groups and singers who perform to people songs and dances from different folk regions of Bulgaria. There are also reenactments of real pehlivanski wrestling, Mummer and Masquerade games, mystic Nestinar fire dances, ancient games and customs, old crafts presentation.
Near the festival place is located a place for camp site.