Rocks Monastery St. George
Type: Archaeological site
Location: Village Petrov dol »
In Bulgarian: Скален манастир Свети Георги »
The Rock Monastery (rather church-tomb) "St.George" is located southeast of the village of Petrov Dol. The monastery is much smaller than the nearby rock monastery in Gradishteto locality. It is suggested that St.George was a church-tomb, which was served exactly this monastery. Today, from the tomb are remained only 2 niches carved into the walls and two burial chambers hewn on floor into the rock.
The carved rock niches around, suggesting that the site has been used since ancient times as a shrine to religious rituals.
The name St. George comes from an inscription in Greek, which is probably of XVIII-XIX century, where the saint`s name was mentioned.
The carved rock niches around, suggesting that the site has been used since ancient times as a shrine to religious rituals.
The name St. George comes from an inscription in Greek, which is probably of XVIII-XIX century, where the saint`s name was mentioned.