Archaeological site in Klise basha locality
In the area Klise basha north of the village Chiflik (Kardjali region) is located an interesting archaeological complex of religious sites and tombs. It is linked with the nearby (at 2km) complex Perperikon, and today is included in the common tourist route with it.
The most interesting object there is disclosed near Perpereshka river. It is a church built in the style of "opus mixtum". From the east, it ends with three apses of the altar, on the north and south there are large semicircular niches. The Temple has size 13. 5 x 12 meters and was built as a mixed masonry - alternating belts brick and white stone. The walls are decorated by polygonal surfaces, arches and niches.
The altar part is highly elongated and has three parts, with entrances between them and a sacrificial table in every hall. The floor of the church was made of brick tiles and in the center was discovered perfectly preserved mosaic in the style of "Opus sektile". Red square bricks and triangular white marble blocks were used in various combinations and form beautiful mosaic with a stylized cross.
Western and northern of the main church was revealed large secular necropolis of which have been studied more than 100 graves. Most of them represent chambers of stone plates which are marked by stone pillars with crosses (this is not a traditional custom of the Middle Ages). In the tombs were found artifacts, related mostly to the Christianity.