Prehistoric settlement and necropolis Kozareva mound
Type: Archaeological site
Location: Town Kableshkovo »
In Bulgarian: Праисторическото селище и некропол Козарева могила »
Kozareva mound near Kableshkovo dates from the early Eneolithic - V century BC. Тхе еxcavationс of the mound revealed the southern parts of two large, partially buried, buildings from the late Eneolithic period. There werte found lots of interesting and valuable items and equipments, probably used for the manufacture of vessels.
To the prehistoric settlement was discovered also a necropolis from the early Eneolithic times. There were eleven graves, four of which from the Antique /III century BC/ and seven from the Eolithic /V millennium BC/. The bones in two from the ancient tombs are deformed due to the disease of syphilis, but the study found that death was not a result of syphilis but at later stage.
A curious point is that in one of these graves was found a skeleton with a strong deformation of one lower limb, and under it - iron bracket and pulley, which is another proof for the advanced level of the medicine in these times.
During the excavations were found other interesting artefacts as pottery, metal artifacts, amphorae stamps, stone scepter, jewelry from bones, shells and marble, small idols figures and others. The finds are from the prehistoric and from the ancient (Hellenistic period) periods and will be exhibited in the Historical Museum of Pomorie and Community center "Atanas Manchev" - Kableshkovo.