Rock Monastery in Shashkunite locality
This rock monastery is situated in "Shashkanite" locality, about a kilometer north-east of town of Provadia - over its urban neighborhood "Sever". There is an eco-trail taking to the objects that passes through the other big landmark of Provadia - Ovech citadel.
The monastery consists of ten cells, cut into the vertical steep rocks at a height of 30 meters. Some of cells are separate and others are grouped. The first group consists of three cells, followed by two detached cells and a second group, constituting of five cells. Cells of the second group are connected through small tunnels. Three of these cells are on same level, but the fourth and fifth are situated higher. The fifth cell of this group is a small tomb with a stone grave and a cross carved on the wall.
The monastery was inhabited in XII-XIII century and then it was inaccessible. Nowadays there is built a bridge, leading to the cells.
The Rock monastery in Shashkanite area was declared a cultural monument.