Late-antique fortress complex Hemski gateways
Type: Fortress
Location: Village Golitsa »
In Bulgarian: Късноантичен крепостен комплекс "Хемски порти" »
Remains of fortification complex "Hemskite porti" (aka "Germeto") are located between villages of Bulair (about 2 km west) and Golitsa (5.5 km east). The facility was a spectacular complex of three forts related to partitions, and served to defense of the Byzantine Empire from the invasion of the northern tribes. It is believed that the fortress was built in III-IV century.
The total length of the fortification complex was about 3 kilometers and the entire facility has orientation north-south. It was guarding part of the path between present towns of Devnya and Aitos. Along the walls there were security towers.