Poros fortress
Poros fortress (aka "Foros" or "Phoros" fortress) is located near 100 meters away from the protected area of Pora near Burgas. Information about this ancient fortress could be find in several old European sea maps from the XIII-XVII centuries where the castle was listed under the name Poros. Its main function was to guard the entrance to the Mandrenskoto Lake.
The archaeologists have examined the southeast entrance of the fortress, where is preserved a massive rectangular tower, probably guarding the main gate. The preserved part of the fortress wall is about 3 meters wide and 15 meters long. On the northwestern coast of the peninsula have discovered a wall and two towers that are under study.
Interesting are the remains of walls and remains of a rectangular building from V-XIII century (probably remains of long sought St. George Monastery).
The excavations on the Foros peninsula continue today.