Thracian Tomb
Near the village of Dolno Lukovo are found several dolmens (shrines) and a rich ornamented tomb dating back to the Thracian times. It was constructed at the level of the ancient terrain and covered by a mound, 4 m high. It consists of a burial chamber with a rectangular plan with the entrance from the south, an open to south entrance and uncovered dromos (corridor).
The chamber walls are overlaid by two layers of big marble and limestone blocks, joint by iron cramps lead-coated and decorated with various carved into the stones, figures: disks, squares, rectangles, a five-pointed star, images of a horse`s head and a fish. These signs along with the crescent carved on the entrance form a composition having a strong esthetic and mystic impact, and probably hold coded information related to the funeral cult.
The walls of the chamber are covered with large marble and limestone blocks joined with iron clamps, and decorated with various carved into the stones, shapes: disks, squares, rectangles, a five-pointed star, images of a horse head and fish. These figures together with the crescent carved at the entrance to form a composition with a strong aesthetic and mystical impact and possibly hold encoded information associated with the funeral cult.
The porch is built in same way as the burial chamber, but only limestone blocks were used.
The number of the found artifacts is relatively small due to the fact that the tomb was robbed in antiquity. Much of the finds were discovered in the antechamber of the tomb (and before it). Among them are: a stone relief image of a horse head, fragments of pottery, bronze fibula, bronze ornaments, parts of gilded funerary wreath, silver coin and ceramic lamp.
The findings, as well as parts of the discovered horse skeletons (the burial of horses together wit their owners is a sign of the Thracian nobility) indicate that most probably in the tomb near Dolno Lukovo village was buried a local Thracian aristocrat, but his name and residence are still unknown.