History Museum of Dryanovo
Type: Museum
Location: Town Dryanovo »
In Bulgarian: Исторически музей Дряново »
The historical museum of Dryanovo is located in central part of the town, opposite the Lafchieva House and the monument of Kolyu Ficheto. The museum was opened in 1970. Its expositions keep the historical and ethnographic heritage of the region of Dryanovo. The museum included the next museum expositions:
- "Kolyu Ficheto. Life and creative work", hosted in the building of the museum;
- "Town way of life from the end of XIX century and the beginning of XX century.", housed in the Lafchieva House;
- "Icons from Dryanovo region" , housed in the Ikonomova House;
- "Archeology and Renaissance", housed in the Dryanovo monastery.
Address of Dryanovo Historical Museum: 82, Shipka str., Dryanovo