Historical Museum Sevlievo
Type: Museum
Location: Town Sevlievo »
In Bulgarian: Исторически музей Севлиево »
Historical Museum of Sevlievo was established in 1954. Its first exhibition was "Archeology", and later was created the exposure "Revival and Ethnography".
The museum fund consists of more than 45 000 items - documents, photos, artifacts, artwork and others.
The museum manages 4 buildings in the region of Sevlievo, where are located expositions, storehouses and workplaces.
Some of exposures:
- Late Antiquity and medieval fortress Hotalich - Exposition
- Architectural Renaissance complex "Dandolovi Houses" - exhibition "Interiors"
- Hadjistoyanova school - "Archaeology" and "Renaissance"
- Tabahana / workshop for processing of hides / - exposure "Leather crafts"
- House-museum "Dr. Atanas Moskov"
- Other attractions in the town and the municipality.
Address of History Museum Sevlievo: #10 "Gen.Skobelev" str, town of Sevlievo 5400 (tel.067 532 724)