History museum
Type: Museum
Location: Town Popovo »
Website: http://www.museumpopovo.com/
In Bulgarian: Исторически музей »
The study of history of Popovo region began in 1927 when in the town was founded Archaeological Society. Today Historical museum of Popovo is an inheritor of a museum collection of the society. The status of the Historical Museum was received in 1991.
Current museum exhibition was opened on March 2, 1995 on an area of 350 square meters. The museum fund includes more than 23,000 units, and exposure - nearly 2500 objects. In another building (the house of Mara Taseva, located near the Central Popovo park) is covered an ethnographic exhibition "From village of Popovo to town Popovo".
Working time: Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 17:00
Address of Popovo Historical museum: 97, blvd.Bulgaria, Popovo