Park-muzeum "Vladislav Varnenchik"
Type: Museum
Location: Town Varna »
In Bulgarian: Парк-музей "Владислав Варненчик" »
Park-Museum "Vladislav Varnenchik" is located in the western part of the city of Varna, among an unique Park, on an area of 30 acres. It was built on the site where in 10/11/1444 perishes the Polish-Hungarian King Vladislav III Yagelo, in the battle for the liberation of the Balkans and southeastern Europe by the Ottomans.
The Museum was opened in 1964 in honor of 520-th anniversary of the battle. In 2004, the Museum and the exhibition are fully renovated.
The Museum Park is forested with unique vegetation and on its territory there were found two Thracian mounds, in one of which is revealed a Thracian Tomb from the IV century BC..
Here can be seen the only found in Bulgaria, Knight's armor from this epoch, arms and armor from the XV-th century, found on the battlefield (helmets, crossbows, swords, shields, Spears, etc.), flags, stuffed animals, cards, coats of arms, paintings, sculptures, engravings and other art works dedicated to the battle.
Park-Museum Vladislav Varnenchik" is an affiliate of the National Museum of military history in Sofia.
Address of Park-Museum Vladislav Varnenchik: 55, blvd. "Janos Hunyadi", Varna 9027 (tel/fax: 052/74-03-02)