Megalithic dolmens "The Dragons Houses"
Type: Archaeological site, Sanctuary
Location: Village Belevren »
In Bulgarian: Мегалитни долмени "Змейовите къщи" »
In 2003, a team of archaeologists discovered near the village of Belevren (municipality of Sredets, Bourgas) completely preserved, untouched by looters ten-meterс high megalithic construction and fifteen human skeletons, dug out of there. The peculiar mausoleum was built of perfectly fitting to each other rock blocks.
In Bulgaria were found many similar objects (see here other dolmens and sanctuaries), but this one is the first preserved in its authentic condition through the centuries - The construction and objects found in the burial chamber dating back to the times before the Trojan War. The foundings helped archaeologists to date with precision the period - XIII century BC.
Local people call the area "The Dragons houses". The rocks are coated with many legends and stories about the wonderful winged giants who kidnapped beautiful girls and others stories.