Mae Festival of Muslims-alevii (September)
The Fair in Elmala baba teke locality near village of Bivolyane is first from the many fairs of the Muslims-alevii (a religious branch of the unorthodox Islam) held every autumn in the Eastern Rhodopes mountain. These events are called "autumn maeta" and are traditional for the Alevi community.
The mae-event begins Friday evening with worship of the seven graves in Elmala baba Tekke. The pilgrims perform a ritual - they touch the threshold of the Tekke, then the end, the middle and the beginning of the largest tomb, and finally - their chest. There are candles in special metal boxes.
The next day (Saturday) is essential for the event. The graves are overwhelmed with many gifts - artificial flowers, candles, matches, clothing and more. Outside are open table-stands, offering for sale all what is sale on traditional fairs. There is a small stage for amateur groups and performers. For children there are games, caramelized apples, candies, sweets, etc.. Under a centuries-old oak around is done one of the main event for the festival - a tender for animals. There are animals, left as donations, that could be purchased from the visitors. With the collected money is paid current event and part of the amount is preserved for the next one. In the early afternoon is distributed the Kurban-chorba (a soup).