Dolmen of the king in area of Byalata Treva
Type: Archaeological site, Sanctuary
Location: Village Hlyabovo »
In Bulgarian: Царски долмен в местност Бялата трева »
The dolmen is known as "The Royal dolmen" ("Tsarski dolmen" / "The dolmen of the king") and is located in the "Byalata treva" ("The white grass"), a few kilometers south of the village of Hlyabovo. This is the largest and most preserved dolmen in Bulgaria and on the Balkans.
The dolmen is a large, with two-chamber, dromos and facade. Well preserved are the shutters of both cameras and the mound that reaches them. Front and rear wall of the main chamber are tapered at the top and side walls respectively are composed of two panels - lower, vertical and upper, inclined inwards.
The dolmen is a large, with two-chamber, dromos and facade. Well preserved are the shutters of both cameras and the mound that reaches them. Front and rear wall of the main chamber are tapered at the top and side walls respectively are composed of two panels - lower, vertical and upper, inclined inwards.