Thracian Tomb of Mezek
This monumental Thracian tomb is located south-east of village of Mezek (Rhodopi mountain, 10 km away from the town of Svilengrad). It was discovered in 1931.
The tomb was built around IV century B.C. and was the biggest beehive tomb in ancient Thrace, obviously made for one of the local rulers. It is built of metal blocks, connected with iron clamps. A 20-m long corridor leads to the tomb, which consists of two rectangular and one round camera. The site is covered with a massive 15-m-high mound.
Inside the tomb were found many golden, bronze, glass and ceramic objects. One of the most interesting findings is a bronze statue of a wild boar in real size, dated back to the second half of IV century BC.
The Tomb of Mezek has great historical value and attracts the interest of many scientists, archaeologists and tourists.