St.St. Petar and Pavel Monastery
Type: Monastery
Location: Town Lyaskovets »
In Bulgarian: Манастир Св.Св. Петър и Павел »
The monastery "St.St. Petar and Pavel" (aka "Petropavlovski monastery" or "Lyaskovets monastery") is located west of town of Lyaskovets. It perches over the high and inaccessible rocks of the Arbanasi plateau. The monastery is one of the 14 monasteries built nearby the old capital of Bulgaria, Veliko Turnovo, during the Second Bulgarian State (12-14th century).
The monastery is named after St Peter and St Pavel and is one of the best-preserved monasteries from that time, mainly because of its hard-to-reach location.
During Ottoman youke the monastery was set on fire and rebuild again several times.