Ruen monastery "St.Ivan Rilski"
Ruen Monastery "St. Ivan Rilski" is located about 3.5 km southwest of village of Skrino - the birthplace of the famous Bulgarian saint Ivan Rilski. The monastery is one of the newest in Bulgaria. It was built in 2000. At the same place in the past there was another monastery called "Sv.Veliko-machenik Dimitar Solunksi".
There is no data when the old monastery was built, but it is known it was destroyed in the year 1400 by the Turkish invaders. The monastery was rebuilt in 1483, near it original place with the its name - "Dimitar Solunksi". In this monastery acquired his theological education and began his great spiritual mission the great Bulgarian saint Ivan Rilski (876-946) who later founded the Rila Monastery. The monastery "St. Dimitar Solunksi" existed till 1935.
In the mid-90s of XX century aroused the idea monastery to be restored. Thanks to donations and financing from foundations the funds were collected and in 1995 the building was started. The site was finished in 2000 and the monastery was consecrated and officially opened in 2002. The church has an original architecture, nice wall paintings, rounded shapes and beautiful golden altar.
On the hill above the monastery is situated a big cross perking ominously over the edge of a steep rock. According to the legend, the cross shows the place, from which a Bulgarian maiden jumped in despair in order to escape from her Ottoman persecutors.
Nowadays Ruen Monastery "St. Ivan Rilski" is inhabited by monks.