Nunnery "Vavedenie Bogorodichno"
In the lands of the village of Batoshevo there are located two monasteries - the Male Monastery "Uspenie Bogorodichno" (4-5 km away from the village) and the Nunnery "Blessed Virgin", in the borders of the village.
At this moment the date of its founding is unknown. In the XVIIth century, during the Ottoman rule, it was burned (1674), but was restored again in XIXth century. In the 40-th years of the XIXth century is acted as a convent, and from the beginning of the XXth century it is a monastery.
The monastery complex consists of a church (built 1905), residential and farm buildings. In the church there are icons by Stanislav Dospevski.
Currently the Female monastery of the "Vavedenie Bogorodichno" in village of Batoshevo is constantly acting and has been declared a monument of culture.