Bukorovo monastery "St.George"
Type: Monastery
Location: Village Bukorovtsi »
In Bulgarian: Букоровски Манастир "Св. Георги" »
Bukorovski Monastery "St. George" is located about 1.5 km north of the village of Bukorovtsi and west of the village of Tuden. Near the monastery were found remains of an old village cemetery from a late medieval church.
The construction of the current monastery began in the early XX century, when here was built a small one-nave, slightly dug into the ground church - "St. George". Near by it, in period 1991 - 1992, began the construction of four new chapels: "St. Petka", "St. Sofia", "St. Cyril and Methodius" and "All saints". The new buildings are adjacent to the old church.