Gotse Delchev monastery "Jivopriemniy iztochnik"
Type: Monastery
Location: Town Gotse Delchev »
In Bulgarian: Гоцеделчевски манастир "Живоприемний източник" »
Gotse Delchev monastery "Zhivorpriemnii iztochnik" (aka "Virgin Mary") is located about 2 km southwest of the town of Gotse Delchev. It's constantly-acting, nunnery.
The monastery was founded in the XIX century. According marble slab, which is built into the west wall of the monastery church, the construction of the monastery began on March 1, 1888. The monastery has a spring.
Gotse Delchev monastery is available for visits, but photos are not allowed. The temple festival is at the day of "Svetli petak" (Holy Friday).