Chapel "Sveti Georgi Pobedonosets"
Type: Church
Location: Village Bahovitsa »
In Bulgarian: Параклис "Свети Георги Победоносец" »
In the locality of "Barnin dol" near the village of Bahovica the local resident Ivan Monchev was erected a small chapel called "Saint George the victorious". The "Barnin Dol" is a historical place. Here in 1877 was held the final battles between the Ottoman and the Russian armies for the liberation of Lovech and the villages around. This is the reason why the chapel was named after the Saint George Pobedonesec (victorious).
The chapel was built by own project of his developer Monchev, which got the ideas for the form of the columns, the arches and the details from other churches. The main icon of St. George is a work of his granddaughter - Severina.