Sabri Hyuseyin (Softa Baba) Tyurbe
Sabri Huiseyin was lived from the end of the XVII-th to the middle of the XIX-th century and came probably from Buhara. During the first half of the XIX-th century he had been one of the most respected Naqshbandi sheikhs in Tutrakan and the region. A proof for that is his tyurbe (teke) - an octagonal stone building, erected about the middle of the same century. At the turbe there is also a semahane, which is octagonal too, but is built of bricks and beams, probably from the second quarter of the XIX-th century.
Today the Sabri Huseyin Turbe (aka "Softa Baba Teke") is one of the emblematic buildings in Tutrakan and the place is often visited by tourists and by Muslim (mainly from Kizilbashis community for the rituals connected to Ashura) and Christian pilgrims seeking a cure.