Flights in wind tunnel Aerodrum Bulgaria
Type: Attraction
Location: Town Sofia »
In Bulgarian: Полети във въздушен тунел Аеродрум България »
Aerodum Bulgaria is a new and unique attraction for the Balkans - a vertical wind tunnel. The attraction is suitable for every aged 5 to 75 years (and in range from 20 to 100 kg.).
Here everyone has the opportunity to fly without an airplane, a parachute or other facilities, maintained only by the strong airflow. The power flow in the wind tunnel allows you to lie in the air, or by changing the position of his body, to perform various movements and acrobatics.
For good experience and full emotions, the team of Aerodrum Bulgaria offers:
- Flight lessons from a qualified instructor;
- Equipment - special clothes, gloves, earplugs, goggles and helmet;
- Safety Lessons;
- Warm-up before the flying;
- Help during the flight;
Location: 348 Botevgradsko shousse, near The Sofia Ring road and JUMBO shop, 1839 Sofia