Memorial complex "Balova shuma"
Type: Memorial
Location: Village Gavril Genovo »
In Bulgarian: Мемориален комплекс "Балова шума" »
The Memorial Complex "Balova Shuma" is situated about a kilometer south-eastern from the village of Gavril Ghenovo (Northwestern Bulgaria, Montana district). This is a monument from the time of the Socialism in Bulgaria and today is in poor condition - dilapidated and broken plates, overgrown with bushes, broken statues, etc.
The only thing that still impresses is the feeling for the energy and the desire of the architects, builders, authorities, etc. to erect in the middle of nowhere something so huge and spectacular for its time.
What is remained from the memorial complex (and can still be distinguished among the ruins) is: an obelisk, sculptures (probably - guerrillas) relief and camera for eternal fire, three pedestal of heroic verse, etc.