The church "St. Nikola" in village of Slivovik was built in 1881. It keeps the throne stone of the demolished in 1850 during Belogradchik uprising monastery "St. Prophet Elijah". Once it was once among the largest monasteries in North-western Bulgaria and was located near the ...
The church of Rasovo village is named "St. George" and was built in XIX century. Before it in the village had existed other church with the same name, which was gradually declined. By a request of the local population, on February 18, 1858 the Turkish sultan issued a decree that allow...
About 2 km. southwest village of Asparuhovo (municipality Mekovets) on both sides of the lake are found remains of a Thracian settlement. In the area were found many findings - late Roman pottery, Roman copper and bronze coins from the II-IV century. 3 km west of the village, at height over the ...