Euxinograd residence
Type: Sea resort, Parks and Gardens
Location: Town Varna »
In Bulgarian: Резиденция Евксиноград »
Evksinograd is a former late 19th-century Bulgarian royal summer palace and park on the Black Sea coast, 8 km north of the city of Varna. It is currently a governmental and presidential residence and its beach is not accessed for public.
The Euxinograd park is home to over 310 plant varieties from Asia, South America, North Africa and Southern France. It occuipies an area of over 550 decare. The park is a combination of English and French styles and was finished by Edouard Andre. More than 50,000 trees were purchased from Marseille and fertile soil was brought from the mouth of the Kamchiya River.
The tiny Kestrichka Bara River flows through the park. The park also features a small lake full of lilies, French-made bronze figures and a sculpture of Neptune. There are two bridges, a metal one and a cement one, which imitates a felled tree.
The area is surrounded by vineyards.